Monday, 10 September 2012 0 comments

Mini Haul!

 I originally went out to get a face primer! :) I tested out a few an liked this one the most! it does its job! =) this was £10.99 in boots, but if you spend £15 you can get the free lippy and nails box worth £25.
 This primer smells a bit weird though... :S.. 
 I got this Nail polish to make up the £15 to get the freeebie! =D wooooooop!

I love freebies!! quite a lot for a £15 present! I've always wanted to try their glam shine lip gloss, but when I put it on the back of my hands its really sticky!! When it's on my lips it's not sticky at all. really weird! 

In the end, from getting one getting all this! :P oops! I found Sinful colours polish from poundland.... whaaaaaaaaaatttttt! crazy! From looking at lots of nail blogs, I've always kept an eye out for sinful colours, just not been able to find any. =D I was sooo happy!!

I'll try and upload more!! ><" has taken over my lifeeeee!

Sunday, 5 August 2012 0 comments

My life recently apart from work work work =)

This is Adam =) 

We like to be silly together

3D spiderman! wooooooooooo

dont we look cool :P
He has a blog too: for gamers! =)

If you're on o2, download o2 priorities!!! they're deals are soo good!! we got these for freeeeee =)
Mint frappe or something like that. tastes like aero chocolate milkshake. 

Was my brothers birthday =) so we made cooked up a feast for him! took a while, but it was all worth it! he was happy! =D

Salmon sushi! yeah yeah yeah! I love sushi!!

Japanese tempura aubergines

Sushi rolls!! 

Homemade spring rolls!

I started a new job a few weeks back, it seems to have taken over my life! no time for anything as I work 2-10pm most of the time so I haven't been blogging. When I have my days off, it tends to be doing nails so I dont really have much of a break!! But at least I'm getting money in! =D =D

I will be posting up more reviews soon! =) 

Tuesday, 24 July 2012 0 comments

YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat Foundation Review

I got a little sample from beatties!! =D

I'm Shade B40

My work look, :P just eyeliner and a little bit of eye shadow :)
Nothing too dramatic!

Hey! =D

This is YSL's new foundation, apparently they are flying off the shelves already!! I got a card with mine to order one if I did want the full sized product =) this sample is quite a big sample compared to others!

I like quite sheer foundations, something that looks really natural and not cakey at all. I've noticed more and more high ended make up brands are bringing out less coverage foundations. I got the Chanel aqua Foundation a while ago, I still love it! =D

The YSL foundation smells of cucumber to me.. once it's on the skin the smell fades away. I havent tried the touche eclat concealer but I really do like this foundation. It's sheer for a natural everyday look, but very buildable for a full coverage night time look. I'm not going to buy the full sized product yet though, I don't like buying lots of foundations...I feel like it's a waste if I don't use all of it up! But I do like to try out different foundations :P :P

Have you guys tried this foundation? like it?? 

Sunday, 22 July 2012 0 comments

Revlon Kissable Lip stain in 020 Lovesick passionnee and 010 Darling Cherie

 1 Cherish
2 Lovesick
3 Darling

With Flash

Without Flash

Lovesick is the bright fuschia colour, the colour stays on a lot longer than the other 2 colours. It's still the same consistency than the other colours. The colour itself has a little purple/bluey glitter in it, so it makes me teeth look whiter! =D

Darling cherie doesn't really give much of a colour on my lips, as my lips are quite pigmented anyways. This was the colour I wanted the most at first because I haven't got a purplely pink yet, but was quite disappointed when I finally used it!

Sunday, 15 July 2012 3 comments

Ring inspired by Music

Happy Sunday everyone! =D 

I was inspired by Music to make a collection of pieces. I studied Jewellery and Silversmithing at university, but we make more contemporary pieces rather than traditional pieces :)

For this collection (although there is only one piece here, but I will be uploading more!) I like to be unique with my designs and techniques, so I combined my passion for nail art into my jewellery making. I don't like bright colours, instead I use more of a subtle way to add colour to my pieces.

I love the shadows on this image!

Fits comfortably onto my fingers :) including the thumb!

Statement piece rather than a more traditional ring.

The back of the piece. Silver plated with a pattern on top :)

I hope you like it :)

Friday, 13 July 2012 0 comments

L'oreal Youth Code Eye Cream

I've recently repurchased this as I had finished the last one. I've read up on reviews on different eye creams but this was on offer and it really worked for my dark circles so I thought meh, lets just get it again! :) The main thing I look for in an eye cream is whether it gets rid of my dark circles or not..

My last one I used up in just over a year, sometimes I'd use it under concealer but mostly just at nights. I tried out other samples of eye creams but a lot of them don't seem to make my dark circles disappear!! This one definitely helps with my dark circles and firms the eye area. I was debating between this one or try out a new Clinque one but Clinque was double the price and I was on a budget! At least I know this one does the job :)

This is a rich cream texture so it really moisturises the eye area. There are lots of eye gels out at the moment, but I feel like gels don't work on stubborn circles. In the morning if my eyes are puffy then I'd use the Garnier eye roller.

What eye cream do you use?? And does it get rid of dark circles??

Tuesday, 10 July 2012 0 comments

Cute things for my future car! =D =D

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! These came through the post the other day! =D =D 4 sets of decals for my car door handles! 

Aren't these adorable!!! I'd feel bad for squishing them though... hahaha Haven't got these yet =D need to get a car first before thinking what to go in them.

more pandys???

Super kawaii air fresheners! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! 

Tuesday, 10 July 2012 4 comments

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm review!

Revlon lipbalm in Cherish Devotion 015 :) 

Without flash

With flash

I LOVE THIS LIP STAIN! At first there's a minty scent to it which I loveee! It doesn't make my lips tingle though. haha Before putting the lip stain on, I have to exfoliate my lips really well otherwise it emphasise on my dry patches. It goes on really smoothly and I don't need a thick layer for it to be vibrant. The colour pay off is really nice. I normally reapply once after I have eaten lunch or just put a lip balm on top. After the balm  has worn off within a couple of hours it feels a little bit sticky for me... :S.. or dry like I can't rub my lips together. I usually come home from work and the colour is still vibrant on my lips! woooooooo!!

 I got this from my local Superdrug for £5.99! I've been looking in Boots hoping they'd have them where I live but I don't think they're coming to my one. =( boooo

I only have this colour at the moment, but definitely going back to get more colours although I think they only sell 7 colours in the UK! =(

Hope this helps whoever is planning to buy one but not too sure about these! =D
