Monday, 10 September 2012 0 comments

Mini Haul!

 I originally went out to get a face primer! :) I tested out a few an liked this one the most! it does its job! =) this was £10.99 in boots, but if you spend £15 you can get the free lippy and nails box worth £25.
 This primer smells a bit weird though... :S.. 
 I got this Nail polish to make up the £15 to get the freeebie! =D wooooooop!

I love freebies!! quite a lot for a £15 present! I've always wanted to try their glam shine lip gloss, but when I put it on the back of my hands its really sticky!! When it's on my lips it's not sticky at all. really weird! 

In the end, from getting one getting all this! :P oops! I found Sinful colours polish from poundland.... whaaaaaaaaaatttttt! crazy! From looking at lots of nail blogs, I've always kept an eye out for sinful colours, just not been able to find any. =D I was sooo happy!!

I'll try and upload more!! ><" has taken over my lifeeeee!
