Sunday, 5 August 2012 0 comments

My life recently apart from work work work =)

This is Adam =) 

We like to be silly together

3D spiderman! wooooooooooo

dont we look cool :P
He has a blog too: for gamers! =)

If you're on o2, download o2 priorities!!! they're deals are soo good!! we got these for freeeeee =)
Mint frappe or something like that. tastes like aero chocolate milkshake. 

Was my brothers birthday =) so we made cooked up a feast for him! took a while, but it was all worth it! he was happy! =D

Salmon sushi! yeah yeah yeah! I love sushi!!

Japanese tempura aubergines

Sushi rolls!! 

Homemade spring rolls!

I started a new job a few weeks back, it seems to have taken over my life! no time for anything as I work 2-10pm most of the time so I haven't been blogging. When I have my days off, it tends to be doing nails so I dont really have much of a break!! But at least I'm getting money in! =D =D

I will be posting up more reviews soon! =) 
